Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs
GJAA Volume 10
Volume X – 10 Years Later: Lessons from the Indo-Pacific
Perspectives: Ten Years Later
- “Indonesia Over the Past Decade: Democracy & Development in the Jokowi Years & Beyond” by Eve Warburton
- “Japan Over the Past Decade: Confronting Domestic & International Challenges” by Yoshihiko Noda
- “North Korea Over the Past Decade: Human Rights & International Advocacy” by Hanna Song
Guest Essays: Lessons from the Indo-Pacific?
- “A Tale of Three Islands: Recent Developments of Nationalism in Okinawa, Taiwan & Hong Kong” by Rwei-Ren Wu
- “Emerging Technologies, Defense Innovation & Military Change: How will the AI Wave Change Warfare in East Asia?” by Michael Raska
- “Dynastic Democracies: Reflections on the 2019 & 2023 General Elections in Thailand” by Yoshinori Nishizaki
- “The Politics of Privatized Service Delivery: South Asia & Beyond” by Erum Haider
- “The Drivers of Mass Protests Against Sexual Violence in India: Tracing Continuity & Change” by Aditi Malik
- “Global China & Infrastructure Power: The Technopolitics of the ‘China Model’ of Development” by Timothy Oakes
- “Command Authority in the U.S.–Japan Alliance: A Historical Study” by Mayumi Itayama
Research: Emerging Scholars
- “Advantageous Associations? Explaining the Puzzle of China-Iran Relations” by Huzeir Ezekiel Dzulhisham
- “Effects of China’s Economic Coercion on the Elections of Heads of State in the Indo-Pacific” by Eduardo Jaramillo
- “Identity Ruptures & Community Fragmentation: Afghans Resettling in the U.S. after the Taliban Takeover” by Ameena Razzaque