Past Issues
Past GJAA Issues
Volume 9 – Beyond Great Power Competition: Subregional Strategies and Priorities
- “Introduction” by Evelyn Goh
Policy Forum
- “Subalternizing Geopolitics: Bhutan as a Small Himalayan State” by Nitasha Kaul
- “ASEAN’s Struggle for Relevance in an Era of Great Power Competition” by Ralf Emmers
- “Pacific Islands’ Views of Security in an Age of Great Power” by Sandra Tarte
- “How Aotearoa New Zealand is Responding to Strategic Competition in the Pacific Islands Region” by Anna Powles
- “Malaysia Between China and the West: Don’t Rock the Boat” by James Chin
- “Navigating the Narratives of Indo-Pacific: “Rules,” “Like-mindedness,” and “De-risking” in the Eyes of Southeast Asia” by Kuik Cheng-Chwee
- “India and the Indo-Pacific Traps” by Jagannath Panda
- “India’s Multilateral Vision for the Indo-Pacific” with Vijay Gokhale
- “ASEAN: Centrality Plus Credibility” with Bilahari Kausikan
- “Malaysia’s Domestic Narrative and Regional Rule” with Liew Chin Tong

Volume 8 – Party Politics in Asia: Coalitions, Factions, and Institutions
- “Political Party Institutionalization in Asia” by Erik Martinez Kuhonta
Policy Forum
- “Central-Local Relations and Party Politics in China under Xi Jinping” by Wen-hsuan Tsai
- “The 2022 Election in South Korea: The Politics of Resentment and Revenge Confirms Older Trends and Cleavages and Reveals New Ones” by Youngmi Kim
- “Party Politics and Foreign Policy in Japan: The LDP-Komeito Ruling Coalition, the Opposition, and Why They Matter” by Adam P. Liff
- “Weak Party Systems and Idiosyncratic Policies in Southeast Asia” by Andreas Ufen
- “Domestic Politics, Congress, and U.S. Hardening to China” by Robert Sutter
- “The Rise of China and the Fall of Hong Kong” with Dennis Kwok
- “Indonesian Foreign Policy and Beyond” with Marty Natalegawa
- “Covering South Korean and Japanese Politics in 2022” with Michelle Ye Hee Lee

Volume 7 – The Future of Work
Policy Forum
- Beyond the Great Power Competition Narrative: Exploring Labor Politics & Resistance Behind AI Innovation in China – Yujia He and Hong Shen
- The Reeducation Labor Regime in Northwest China – Darren Byler
- South Korea’s Dilemma: Foreign Workers in a “Homogenous Society” – Timothy C. Lim
- Reproduction-Driven Labor Migration from China – Biao Xiang
- Creating Jobs with Renewable Energy in Rural India – Bharath Jairaj and Pamli Deka
- India’s Emerging Gig Economy:Shaping the Future of Work for Women – Ruchika Chaudhary
- Artificial Intelligence in South East Asia:Upskilling & Reskilling to Narrow Emerging Digital Divides in the Post-Pandemic Recovery – Giulia Ajmone Marsan

Volume 6- Identity Struggles in Asia: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Interstate Rivalry
Policy Forum
- The Civil Society Roots of BJP’s Majoritarian Nationalism– Soundarya Chidambaram
- Ethnoreligious Nationalism and Majoritarianism in Asia– Jeff Kingston
- Reactionary Nationalism and Democratic Development in Myanmar and Japan– Apichai W. Shipper
- Far-Right Politics and Indigenous Ainu Activism in Japan– Thisanka Siripala
- Japan’s Right-Wing Women and the “Comfort Women” Issue– Tomomi Yamaguchi
- Betraying Big Brothers: Comparing Civic Nationalism in Taiwan and Post-Euromaiden Ukraine– Wei Luo
- Preparing for Sky Wars: Evaluating the Airpower of China vis-à-vis ASEAN– Eugene Yong and James W. Tong

Volume 5 – Growing Voices: Globalizing Civil Society
Policy Forum
- #Me Too in India: What’s Next?– Shareen Joshi
- Hong Kong’s Civil Society in an Age of Renewed Sino-American Rivalry– Jeffrey Ngo & Nathan Law
- The Role of Dalit Civil Society in Combatting Caste-Based Discrimination– Subhash Nepali
- Interacting with the State: The Success and Vulnerability of the Feminist Movement in China– Sile Chen
- Rohingya Resistance: Utilizing Media to Combat Buddhist-Burman Nationalism– Mary Marston
- Rights of Transgender Persons: A Case for More Regional Cooperation in South Asia– Gowthaman Ranganathan
- Locating Selves in 21st Century Tibet: Tibetan Youth and Hip-Hop in the People’s Republic of China– Buer Su
- Keep it “Skr”: The Incorporation of Hip-Hop Subculture through Chinese Talent Shows and the Online Battle for Authenticity– Alexander Zhang
- The Philippines Under Duterte: How Journalism, the Judicial System, and Politics have Changed– Marites Vitug
- Taiwan’s Changing Political Landscape: A Reflection on the 2018 Midterm Election– Shelley Rigger
- Hokkaido’s Indigenous People: Connecting With the Outside World– Masako Kubota
- Domestic and Foreign Policy in Vietnam: The Future of Vietnamese Civil Society– Carlyle Thayer

Click here to read past issues of the Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs.
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